The interproximal enamel reduction is a method for reducing the width of teeth through the removal of some tenths of a millimeter of enamel between the teeth. In English the procedure sometimes is called air-rotor stripping (ARS) because the procedure is often done by an air-rotor, in German the abbreviation ASR is used for „Approximale Schmelzreduktion“. Properly executed, the ASR is a safe and harmless method that is used to gain space, to improve the crown shape or to compensate for different tooth sizes (Bolton discrepancies).
Internationally, the ARS has been used as a tested standard technique for decades. Unfortunately, in Germany, this is still a rare procedure, because it cannot be charged for in the statutory insurance or only with great difficulties for privately insured.
The enamel between the teeth is reduced by diamond-coated metal strips or diamond or carbide milling cutters. The aim is to save the round form of the tooth and to smoothen the tooth surface, so that it’s not rougher than untreated enamel.
Long-term studies haven’t shown any disadvantages of ARS, neither concerning temperature sensitivity nor caries. Therefore, there’s no reason, why you should fear for your teeth because of ARS. ARS isn’t painful, the procedure is comparable to the removal of tartar. Generally, it’s performed without any local anesthesia.