Temporary anchorage device – see mini implants.

Tartar (dental calculus)

It consists of minerals from the saliva and dental plaque. It is mostly deposited supragingival or in the interdental space. Most of the times, tartar (dental calculus) is detected on the insides of the front teeth and the outsides of the upper first molars.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

TMJ – the paired joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull. It is a rotational gliding joint consisting of the bony pit of the skull and the articular process of the mandible, a joint capsule and an intermediate disc. The disc divides the jaw joint into an upper and a lower joint chamber. […]

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Diagnosis

The most common TMJ disorders can be diagnosed by simple, inexpensive means such as taking a detailed medical history, a dental examination, and a short special examination of the joints. These are usually supplemented by a panoramic X-ray. Special use of other technical equipment such as computers or further diagnostic imaging with computed tomography (CT), […]


This is one of the numerous appliances that combines a traditional Activator with a Headgear and strap that is attached via a head cap. The Teuscher-Activator is mainly worn just at night and, where possible, for just a few hours during the day. The strap, that looks rather strange at first, makes it possible to […]

The bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO):

The bilateral sagittal split osteotomy is a orthognathic surgery technique regarding the splitting of the mandible on both sides in a sagittal direction on the ascending dental branches. The tooth-bearing middle section can then be moved forwards or backwards and then fixed immediately with surgical miniplates and screws. The BSSO is a technique which was […]

The bracket appliance or MB (multi-bracket appliance)

It is a fixed brace consisting of brackets that are bonded to the teeth and sometimes also cemented metal rings, the so called bands. The bracket appliance is the ultimate orthodontic appliance and can be used to carry out most orthodontic treatment procedures within a short time span, causing minimum inconvenience to the patient and […]


Active elements with elastomeric modules or tension springs which are clipped onto the multi-bracket appliance in order to promote space closure in the posterior region.

Tip-Edge Technique

This is a technique that is based on the Begg-Technique and involves a bracket that, on the one hand, makes it possible to achieve tilting movements of the teeth like with the classical Begg-Technique and, on the other hand, it can also be used like a modern, fully-programmable bracket. The Tip-Edge Bracket has a small, […]


This abbreviation stands for Titanium Molybden Alloy which is a Beta-Titanium alloy made from titanium and molybden and is manufactured by Ormco. This alloy is often used to manufacture orthodontic wires because it has about half the stiffness of steel yet retrains the same strength. As the patent on this product ran out a short […]


TMD is the abbreviation of Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction, which is a synonym to Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction. (See CMD).

Tongue frenulum

The tongue frenulum is a delicate mucous fold that connects the tongue base to the mouth floor and limits the mobility of the tongue. In rare cases, the tongue frenulum is too short which can lead to tongue dysfunction with concomitant functional limitations. With the help of minimally invasive frenulotomy this condition can be changed […]

Tongue Spikes Braces

These are fixed, pointed metal elements which are usually attached to the inside of the lower incisors to prevent the tongue from getting stuck between the teeth. If the tongue does get into this position, it often results in an open bite which is difficult to treat and even more difficult to stabilize.  Fortunately, most […]


Tooth-organ-function-systems are assumed by representatives of alternative medicine. Medical schemes, which show a connection between a tooth and a special inner organ appear to be circulating in the alternative medicine network. But this concept is highly speculative, based on faith but not proof. Patients shouldn’t be confused by this nonsense!


Torque refers to the axial position of teeth in orovestibular direction, this mostly refers to the axial position of the front teeth – tilted back or forth.


TPA is the abbreviation of Transpalatal Arch. (See Transpalatal Arch)

Trans-Palatal Arch

The Trans-Palatal Arch (TPA), also known as Goshgarian arch, is a wire element attached to the first molars in the upper jaw. The TPA is made up of stainless steel wire with a diameter of 0.9mm and inserted into special locks on orthodontic bands. The TPA makes it possible to rotate, tilt and physically move […]

Trigeminal nerve

The trigeminal nerve is the 5th cranial nerve which innervates major parts of the face.


English term for the tubes that are bonded to the molars as part of the multi-bracket appliance. Since the multibracket-appliance has been mainly developed in the USA, the English terms bracket and tube have also become part of the German technical language.


The Twinblock was first introduced by W. Clark and is the last and, probably, most powerful development of numerous double plates. These are, in principle composed of a maxillary and mandibular part – unlike the Activators which are a monoblock construction. All these appliances are designed to bring the lower jaw forward in cases of […]

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