Adhesive techniques

Direct and indirect

Adhesive technique


After the first lingual brackets were glued directly to the teeth by the orthodontists in a rather imprecise manner, it became apparent that the direct adhesive technique led to major positioning errors and thus to disproportionate effort in the final treatment phase. For this reason, various techniques were developed to position the brackets in the dental laboratory using complex procedures, in order to then deliver the brackets to the orthodontist pre-positioned in a transfer tray. The brackets can then be glued to the teeth in a simplified procedure.


This technique is called indirect adhesive technique because the actual positioning of the brackets takes place in the laboratory. Laboratory processes for the preparation of indirect adhesion are BEST and DALI (D. Fillion), TARG and CLASS (Lingual Task Force of Ormco), TOP (D. Wiechmann), Hiro-Technik and many others. All serve to increase the precision of bracket positioning and thus simplify and shorten orthodontic treatment. Ultimately, it is not interesting for patients whether one or the other process has slight advantages or disadvantages. What is most important is that the treating orthodontist is familiar with the process and is able to work efficiently with it.


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