Too much, too early, too long, too bad: German Orthodontics in the Light of Health Services Research

A summary article on specific deficiencies in German orthodontics. Unfortunately, these shortcomings, such as the often too early commencement of treatment and the absurdly long treatment durations, appear to be almost ineradicable. On the one hand from the local tradition, on the other hand for financial reasons, German children will probably have to accept an outdated treatment for another long time.


German Orthodontics in the Light of Healthcare Research: Too much, too early, too long, too bad, Dental Tribune German Edition Part 1 (2015/10), and Part 2 (2015/11)

Download Part 1 as PDF: Dental Tribune German Edition 2015/10 pp. 28 – 29

Download Part 2 as PDF: Dental Tribune German Edition 2015/11 pp. 28-29


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